Aligned Organisations are those groups that share a common goal with BSLM, namely in the promotion of healthier lifestyles through one of the six pillars of Lifestyle medicine: physical activity, nutrition and diet, sleep, stress reduction and mental health, harmful substance reduction or cessation and healthy relationships.

The purpose of Aligned Organisation status is to work together for the purpose of increasing awareness around lifestyle medicine.

We share aspirations through position statements, resources and events, with organisations operating in niche areas and to encourage debate and discourse in the wider LM community.

BSLM is a broad “church” and as such will align with organisations who may seem to be at odds with each other. As long as those groups we align with are entrenched in evidence-based science, we are happy to be part of the debate. Where aligned groups have a commercial element, BSLM will not endorse products or specific activities and programmes, unless these have been approved separately through BSLM’s accreditation process. For more information about aligned organisation status, please contact us at

Interested in becoming an aligned organisation? Click here!

Click on an Organisation to Learn More

Mind Over Mountains is an ambitious and innovative mental health charity that helps people to thrive through therapeutic outdoor experiences. We help people to restore and sustain their mental health through a highly integrated practice that brings together walking in nature, mindfulness, and professional coaching and counselling. We deliver wellbeing walks and multi-day retreats to the general public and on a commissioned basis to a wide range of organisations, including ‘blue light’ emergency services and the NHS.

Visit the Mind Over Mountains Website

The Royal Society of Medicine is one of the country’s major providers of postgraduate medical education. Independent and apolitical, the RSM promotes an exchange of information and ideas on the science, practice and organisation of medicine.

Visit the Royal Society of Medicine Website

As the national governing body for swimming in England, we cover every area of swimming.

From learners to teachers, athletes to coaches, we support people to achieve their best in the water. Our tutor programmes and CPDs ensure everyone involved in the delivery of swimming is highly trained.

Visit Swim England’s Website

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death and ill-health in Scotland. The NCD Alliance Scotland is comprised of ten of Scotland’s leading health charities: BSLM, British Heart Foundation Scotland, Alcohol Focus Scotland, ASH Scotland, Obesity Action Scotland, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), Asthma and Lung UK Scotland, Cancer Research UK, Diabetes Scotland and Stroke Association.

The ALLIANCE is a strategic partner of the Scottish Government and has close working relationships, several of which are underpinned by Memorandum of Understanding, with many national NHS Boards, academic institutions and key organisations spanning health, social care, housing and digital technology.

Our vision is for a Scotland where people of all ages who are disabled or living with long term conditions, and unpaid carers, have a strong voice and enjoy their right to live well, as equal and active citizens, free from discrimination, with support and services that put them at the centre.

Visit the Health and Social Care Alliance’s Website

Physical activity is a fundamental pillar in lifestyle medicine. The BSLM and RCGP have joined forces to help promote and support two key physical activity-based projects, and we need your help to spread it right across primary care and entire communities.

Being an active practice is a fun, easy way to make some simple but impactful changes in your workplace that will demonstrate to your patients and staff that you mean it when you say that movement is the best medicine.

ParkRuns are free, weekly, community events all around the world.

Registration is completely free and only needs to be done once, whether you intend to walk, jog, run, or volunteer or do a combination of all these things! Simply complete the registration form below, print your barcode and head down to your local event.

There are 1,150 events around the country to choose from. You can find your nearest parkrun using our event map linked below!

We’d love to see you soon!

Click here to register!

Click here to find an event near you

Over 2.8 million people worldwide live with multiple sclerosis (MS), with many experiencing progressive disability over time. Global MS rates are increasing, primarily (up to 75%) caused by lifestyle and environmental factors, with 109,200 people diagnosed annually. MS is among the most expensive long-term conditions to treat. Medical options can be limited for those with progressive forms. Compared to other long-term serious illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, mainstream MS healthcare has been slow to embrace lifestyle interventions as part of MS clinical practice. Meanwhile, an MS diagnosis can create profound economic and emotional implications for individuals and families, resulting in isolation, an uncertain future with increasing and debilitating pain, fatigue, sight and mobility issues. Overcoming MS is the world’s leading multiple sclerosis healthy lifestyle charity.

Overcoming Muliple Sclerosis’s Website

At the core of Everyone Health is a highly skilled expert team with extensive experience in strategic and operational management of health business at a national and European level. As key drivers of the business, this team is passionate about quality, service effectiveness, and the application of evidence-based approaches to effective operational delivery. Everyone Health constantly strives to deliver high quality, innovative, and effective Health and Wellbeing services. Our dedication, passion and expertise blend seamlessly with our knowledge, understanding and strong leadership to create bespoke, tailored, solutions for our clients.

We are passionate about growing our business and promoting the benefits of health and wellbeing, sharing our knowledge both with patients directly but also other healthcare professionals alike. We have experience of delivering community interventions from across the UK and in a variety of community settings and would like to share this with others.

Visit Everyone Health’s Website

We educate health professionals to better understand and apply precision lifestyle medicine looking genetics and all factors of the environment that influence their expression, and how this knowledge can be used to prevent and treat chronic disease, and increase wellness

Visit the Precision Health Alliance Website

Yoga has spread widely and is now a mass movement in society. Promoting evidence-based, accessible (mat and chair options in every practice) that is also secular and delivered within a policy and professional framework that aligns with those used by healthcare professionals. The Yoga In Healthcare Alliance has also developed a Yoga4NHS staff protocol based on Yoga4Health that aims to promote staff self-care and wellbeing, and mitigate against pressures leading to burnout.

Visit the Yoga in Healthcare Alliance Website

Hieda is a membership association closely linked with the BSA group. we provide training on medical health and wellbeing topics. in addition to training, we provide consultancy to support an environment review service provision surrounding health and wellbeing including medical centres. we provide individual advice guidance and supervision for personal development and to support issues that arise withing that workplace

Visit the Hieda Website

You Okay, Doc? and You Okay, Nurse? support doctors’ and nurses’ mental health across the globe. We are founded and led by healthcare workers established in 2019, following the tragic death of a doctor related suicide. We take a multifaceted approach in supporting doctors’ and nurses’ mental health and combine evidence-based solutions with practical services that are readily adopted by our end-users and across NHS services, nationally. Collectively, we provide three flagship programmes underpinned by current research into peer support and trauma support. These programmes include community activation via an international network of ambassadors, the curation and provision of educational resources in partnership with UK and US organisations (including an initiative of Harvard University) and lastly, the provision of mental health services to our doctors’ & nurses’. We are enrolled onto the accelerate Cambridge Programme at the Judge business school and continue to build our network and community worldwide.

You OK Doc’s Website

The UKHCA is the professional body for Health and Wellness Coaches for the UK and Ireland. Members of the UKHCA are fully qualified and credentialed professionals who have satisfied our robust professional standards and work within a defined scope of practice.

uk health coaches association’s Website

We support people with Long Covid and post viral syndromes with a programme of live, participatory classes based around retraining the autonomic nervous system. We run a live taught timetable consisting of gentle Yoga, breathing classes, mindfulness meditation (drop in and courses), reconditioning classes (like gentle Pilates and beginners rehab weights/resistance work) chair Yoga and a group support chat weekly. This is all supported by a large (and growing) Facebook Group with over 5000 members from around the world.

360MindBodySoul’s Website

Numan is on a mission to motivate men to maximise their health, and get healthier. We focus on treating, and curing, underserved, stigmatised, and interlinked conditions that impact men in the middle of life, such as erectile dysfunction, obesity, and hair loss. We offer integrated care – including diagnostics, medication & supplements, 1-1 clinical care, and digital programs – to help patients take control of their health. Our vision is to become a long term health partner for men, and to be the leading men’s health brand in Europe by 2026.

Visit the Numan Website

In2MedSchool is a charity set up in 2020 to support students from widening participation backgrounds on their journey into university, with a focus on medical school applications. To our surprise, 50% of schools have not had a single student apply for Medicine. Not only this, 80% of successful applicants come from 20% of schools.

Due to this, the In2MedSchool Acceleration Programme (IAP) was set up, with the aim to increase the percentage of schools from where students apply to study medicine. Regardless of educational or socioeconomical background, we share the belief of Michael Marmot as set out in his 2010’s review of existing inequalities, that we need to enable citizens of all ages to maximise their capabilities and thus, the control over their own lives. Put simply, IAP aims to give aspiring medical students the confidence and ambition to succeed with their educational aims and well as their lives.

Visit the in2MedSchool Website

Our Vision is to fight loneliness and lifestyle-related chronic diseases globally by making Evidence-Based Lifestyle Medicine Education, Group Consultations & Coaching freely accessible to all in a supportive community setting so that everyone can live a long & fulfilling life.

afternoon tea with doc’s Website

Breathworks was founded in 2001 to help people managing pain and other challenging health conditions to lead active and fulfilling lives, through providing mindfulness and compassion skills training. We have trained thousands of people with pain, stress, and illness to use mindfulness skills and tools to improve wellbeing and restore sustainable activity, including managing daily activities and symptoms, supported by our wider community of practice. We also provide training for health professionals and carers. We work with people with health issues such as pain, disability, dizziness, fatigue, MS, cancer, and many more, as well as people in need of stress, anxiety and mood support.

Click to visit Breathworks’ Website

To advance the concept of the traditional Mediterranean Lifestyle (tMedLife) as a healthy paradigm for global lifestyle medicine interventions, we recently founded the Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine Institute in Leros, Greece. The founding members include world experts in Lifestyle Science research, experienced Lifestyle Medicine clinicians, and leaders of national and global Lifestyle Medicine Organizations.

medlifestyle’s Website

We are an eco therapy workshop company comprising a Counsellor, Performance Life Coach and Forest Skills/Outdoor Education Specialist. We have designed a series of wellbeing workshops offering support with managing Stress/Anxiety, coping with Grief/Loss, Combatting Emotional Eating, Better Sleep and Goal Setting. Where practicable, we deliver these in an outdoor setting, working with nature to provide context and meaning, using nature’s teachings, working with metaphors to facilitate communication. We provide an alternative and highly accessible pathway for people who need some support but are struggling to find it. We work in peer groups which deliver an extra layer of support and connection. We have anecdotal and written feedback showing an uplift in mood and understanding for all delegates.

Empowered In Nature’s Website

Nutritank provides free of charge CME accredited ‘clinically useful‘ education for Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, and AHPs. The nutritank mission is to provide the highest quality medical education on food, nutrition, and lifestyle medicine to healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care, so, that they can better advise patients on how to live healthier lives and to either prevent, mitigate, or treat ill health. The Nutritank vision is that the healthcare professional will invest more time, money, and effort in advising and inspiring patients on food, nutrition, and lifestyle medicine rather than using pharmacological or surgical treatments as first-line treatment. For more information, please visit the link below.

Nutritank’s Website

Move Dance Feel CIC is dedicated to promoting the health benefits of dance for women living with and beyond cancer (any type of cancer), including those caring for someone with cancer or bereaved by cancer. We provide creative, collaborative and joyful dance activity specifically designed to enhance participant wellbeing and offer holistic support.

Visit Move Dance Feel’s Website

MAN v FAT was established due to the lack of effective and engaging weight management provision for men. Since then we’ve built a thriving community of men looking to lose weight and improve their mental, physical and social health. We support thousands of men each week to connect through the power of friendship and football. We aim to redress the balance that only 15-20% of those who get weight loss support in the UK are male.

Visit Man v Fat’s Website

TTM is a gateway to mental wellbeing within the public realm. Our mission is to assist people in harnessing the power of the outdoors through bold campaigns and free access to wellbeing exercises.

Visit The Take Ten Minutes Website

We are the sector’s chartered professional development body. We are committed to supporting, developing and enabling professionals and organisations to succeed in the sport and physical activity sector and, as a result, inspire our nation to become more active. CIMSPA helps to nurture talent, develop careers, inspire professionalism and set clear regulatory standards for success, continuing the development of a modern, prosperous and respected sport and physical activity sector.

Visit CIMSPA’s Website

Beat COVID is currently running a ‘Get Prepared’ campaign to protect the wellness of our invaluable NHS staff through this difficult period of the pandemic. Beat COVID’s focus is on four key areas of lifestyle related change: mindfulness, nutrition, sleep and physical activity. The initiative was set up by junior doctor James Grove and newly qualified doctor William Gao.

Visit Beat Covid’s Website

Sleep deprivation can have a serious impact on emotional, physical and mental health and many people who are seeking our support are approaching crisis point, whether that’s adults or families.

The Sleep Charity aims to provide access to high quality information and advice to deal with most sleep issues, and ensure everyone understands the value of a good night’s sleep. They also campaign for improvements to the support available as well as providing accredited training for professionals so they can offer sleep support to the people they work with.

Visit The Sleep Charity Website

Improving relationships with alcohol with set challenges, 1-2-1 Coaching, support groups – This journey helps individuals find the best version of themselves, new hobbies, new relationships, new clear mindset and much more! A large part of getting adults engaged in their health is asking questions, self- monitoring, coping with lapses and setbacks. We help encourage and motivate a life without alcohol; not only to improve yourself but everything and everyone around you. Having the best version of yourself at all times increases the mood you reflect!

Visit One Year No Beer’s Website

Lost Chord is an innovative charity dedicated to improving the quality of life and well-being of those living with dementia using interactive musical stimuli to increase their general awareness and self esteem.

Visit the The Lost Chord Website

The Institute for Outdoor Learning (IOL) is the professional body for organisations and individuals who use the outdoors to make a difference for others. We are driven by a vision of Outdoor Learning as a highly valued form of development, education and employment in UK society.

Visit the The IOL Website

The mission of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK is to provide evidence-based education for health-professionals and the general public on plant-based nutrition and other lifestyle interventions for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease.

Visit the The PBHPUK Website

Connect. Motivate. Transform. Inspired Medics run CPD events for GPs and provide medics with education which helps to inspire, motivate and connect like-minded people. Inspired Medics will allow you to transform your practice to encompass using Lifestyle Medicine in your consultations, which will help patients with chronic disease, and will help you feel more fulfilled in your career.

Visit Inspired Medic’s Website

Penny Brohn UK is a national charity specialising in a holistic approach to cancer, known as the Bristol Whole Life Approach. We’ve helped and supported thousands of people through their experience of cancer for over 35 years and we know our approach really does work.

Visit the The Penny Brohn UK Website

Free educational resources on nutrition for neurological disorders, mental health conditions, and neurodiversity
Free scientifically validated Cognitive Function Test
Monthly educational webinars
Global online volunteering programme to encourage individuals studying nutrition, dietetics and other health disciplines to gain experience in area of nutrition, brain health and mental wellbeing research. Key focus to encourage women and individuals from the BAME community into nutrition research, and offer accessible, flexible volunteering opportunities for individuals who may otherwise struggle (i.e students with young children and carers).

Visit the Food For The Brain Website

Offering both funded and affordable outdoor group training and activities for those who otherwise struggle to access them through barriers of cost, social isolation or loss of confidence.
Focusing on physical training as a potential tool and coping strategy, to help improve both physical and mental health.
Using movement for wellness and connection with others along the way.
Regular check ins with attendees, and sign posting to further local services where seen necessary.

Visit The Waite Room C.I.C. Website

The Nutrition Collective aims to empower healthcare practitioners with knowledge in nutrition and inspire change so that practitioners can lead healthier, happier lives and in turn support their clients and patients.

Visit the Nutrition Collective Website

East Lothian Cardio-pulmonary Rehabilitation Group is a small charity, established in 1992, aiming to offer gentle exercise, relaxation, and advice for patients living in East Lothian who have heart problems, who may have undergone heart surgery, suffer lung problems, have diabetes or just want to get fitter through our “Rest of Life Programme” (ROLP). Gentle exercises for all.

Visit the The ELCRG Website

Our vision and aspiration is that by working together and working in more flexible and innovative ways, we can not only deliver improved access for patients but also improve our working lives.

Visit the The Primary Care Sheffield Website

To encourage and inspire people , who have become inactive ,to make the choice of
living fitter and healthier lives as they grow older.
The Mr. Motivator Club takes an end to end approach to wellbeing – delivering on-demand access to motivational content that inspires people of all backgrounds into
healthier choices and happier mindsets . We aim to empower everyone – regardless
of age, location or physical ability with what they need to take positive steps to look
after their own health.

Find out more by clicking here!

The national Personalised Care Interprofessional Education group (PerCIE) is a growing partnership across over 30 UK HEI’s, and includes representatives from Public Health, HEE, Placement Learning staff , VCSE organisations and students. The group meets monthly to provide a collegial platform for debate and action that supports the generation of new socially connected learning opportunities for students in non-NHS contexts that promote learning about the wider determinants that influence health and wellbeing.

Find out more by clicking here!

We assess and treat the whole range of sleep problems and train other health professionals to do the same. Sleep is a key pillar of health and cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia is recommended by the NHS and has a success rate of around 70% indicating its efficacy. Using tried and tested, evidence-based psychological and behavioural interventions for managing sleep problems using CBT for insomnia we see an improvement in sleep in 70% of people. CBT-I empowers the individual to identify and make changes to maladaptive sleep habits with a high level of efficacy.

Find out more by clicking here!

The British Geriatrics Society is the membership association for professionals specialising in the healthcare of older people across the UK. Founded in 1947, we now have over 4,500 members, and we are the only Society in the UK offering specialist expertise in the wide range of healthcare needs of older people.

Visit the The British Geriatric Society Website

Our mission is to share with our communities the message of health and hope for a better life.

We believe enough is enough. We’ve lost our way and we’ve lost our health. Over half of us live with chronic disease. Lifestyle disease. Disease of our choosing. It needn’t be this way. It shouldn’t be this way. We believe it’s time to turn things around. Starting today. We’re designed to be healthy and happy and while lifestyle can be our downfall, it can also pick us back up, give us a second chance. Bottom line. We’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.

It’s time for intervention. We are that intervention. Let’s reverse lifestyle disease. Join the movement.

Visit Compass Lifestyle Medicine’s Website

Welcome to the International Academy of Nutrition Educators (IANE), your gateway to a global and virtual community of passionate professionals dedicated to advancing nutrition education and its impact on healthcare practices. Whether you are an aspiring educator, a seasoned practitioner, or a research enthusiast, IANE offers an enriching membership experience tailored to your needs as the dedicated professional career development academy for nutrition educators and innovators.

At IANE, we pride ourselves on delivering evidence-based education and training in nutrition and health, ensuring you stay at the forefront of this dynamic field. Our comprehensive programme is designed to foster your professional growth and provide you with the necessary tools to excel as a nutrition educator.

Membership with IANE opens the doors to a world of unparalleled opportunities. Our one-to-one mentoring sessions offer personalised guidance from experienced experts, empowering you to refine your skills and unlock your full potential. Engage with like-minded professionals in our vibrant webinars, journal clubs, and forum discussions, where you can exchange ideas, learn from each other’s experiences, and stay abreast of the latest research and advancements.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of professional development? Join IANE today and unlock a world of opportunities, mentorship, and continuous learning. Together, we will shape the future of nutrition education and make a positive impact on global healthcare practices. Join us and become a pioneer in the field of nutrition education.


Visit NNEdPro’s Website

We provide clinicians and allied health professionals with accessible, evidence based, condition specific information to help give advice on physical activity at all stages of children, young peoples and adults treatment pathways. We also provide our toolkit for hospitals to help people be more active during and after their time in hospital The project has been developed in collaboration with experts, professional bodies and charities representing patients and healthcare professionals in each disease area. We are working on new resources including children and have also developed our online course, Active Conversations.

Visit Moving Medicine’s Website

We are an independent, membership-led organisation, which has united and represented social enterprises for more than 15 years.

As the representative body for social enterprises in Scotland, we are growing a collaborative movement so that all social enterprises have a stronger collective voice.

Social enterprises are innovative, independent businesses that exist to deliver a specific social and/or environmental mission. Their profits are reinvested in their mission. Social enterprise is a dynamic, ethical and more sustainable way of doing business. There are more than 6,000 social enterprises in Scotland, generating more than £2.3 billion for Scotland’s economy, and supporting more than 88,000 jobs.

Visit Social Enterprise Scotland’s Website

The RCP convenes the Inequalities in Health Alliance, a coalition of organisations who have come together to campaign for a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities.

The IHA was launched in October 2020, when it wrote to the prime minister to ask government to do three things:

  • Develop a cross-government strategy to reduce health inequalities
  • Commence the socio-economic duty, section 1 of the Equality Act 2010
  • Adopt a ‘child health in all policies’ approach.

Health inequalities are the avoidable differences in health across the population. People’s health is shaped by many factors, which often are beyond the remit of the NHS or the Department of Health and Social Care. That is why the IHA is calling for a cross-government strategy that considers the role of every government department and every available policy lever in tackling the factors that make people ill in the first place.

Learn More

Living Proof is a UK-based not-for-profit organisation aiming to reduce numbers of people in the UK living with chronic pain and other neuroplastic conditions which have not responded to conventional treatment, through improved adoption of the latest neuroscience-based approaches to recovery.

Our organisation is led by people who have experienced full recoveries from conditions such as chronic pain, ME/CFS, POTS and fibromyalgia through a neuroplastic approach, and are now living healthy, vital lives with no restrictions. We are very keen to support HCPs in better helping those ‘difficult-to-treat’ patients, whilst reducing the burden on our health services overall, and are passionate about sharing the message that recovery actually is possible, through neuro-education, brain re-training and nervous system regulation techniques.

Visit Living Proof’s Website

Yoga and meditation are wonderful tools for letting go of stress, improving focus, increasing the sense of wellbeing and improving physical health. For those that enter more deeply into the practice a closer feeling connection to the body’s needs and a greater awareness of and ability to simply be in our direct experience, naturally guides more authentic and healthy choices. Yogic philosophy, for those that are interested, also promotes aware, responsible (to self, others and the environment) living.

We believe in being of service to others, equality and empowerment through education/knowledge. We believe that all people have value and our role is, as much as we are able, is to help everybody to find their own light and shine.

Visit the Guru Ram Das Website

World Walking is a small, volunteer-led Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation based in Greenock. We offer a free bespoke website/app which was developed simply to help motivate people to walk more for health and happiness.

World Walking is also your virtual ticket to some of the greatest places on Earth.

Designed to be used by individuals and small groups anytime, anywhere, World Walking allows people to use the distance they walk each day to complete virtual health walks ranging from taking in the sights of top cities to trekking across continents. Visit the places you’ve always wanted to see. Packed with facts and photos, World Walking allows you to look and learn as you go.

Getting started is as simple as a walk in the park. Take your first step now. Join today and help get the world walking.

Visit the World Walking Website

Hello! My name is Joanne – I am a consultant in GP, professor of primary care, and founder of WiseGP. We are excited to be joining forces with BSLM to work on our shared goal to do medicine differently.

WiseGP exists to champion, grow and sustain a new vision of whole-person, advanced generalist medicine. Like you, we are working to shift the traditional pipeline view of doctors passing expert knowledge to patients. Our work focuses instead on the knowledge that is co-developed by 2 experts – the patient and the doctor – coming together to create, use and critique shared understanding of healthcare need and use.

WiseGP grew out of a workshop at RCGP conference in 2017. There, the GPs spoke about how hard this work is; and the many barriers they experience in everyday practice.

So we have been building a set of resources to help. Our focus is on the knowledge work of advanced generalist practice – how to both deliver care and know you’ve done it well. We have a growing library of resources designed to help people grow their skills and confidence in this work – all collated by Dr Annabelle Machin, our WiseGP Fellow.

Our next piece of work will focus on helping those outside of practice – the public, policy makers, politicians – better understand the advanced work of general practice. Sign up to our newsletter to hear more about that.
Annabelle and I are delighted to be working with all of you at BLSM!

Find out how to sign-up and learn more at the WiseGP website!

Becoming a BSLM aligned organisation

Aligned organisations share BSLM’s goal of promoting better health using the six pillars of lifestyle medicine: physical activity, nutrition and diet, sleep, stress reduction and mental health, harmful substance reduction/cessation and healthy relationships.

We welcome applications from organisations wishing to align with BSLM who share our aspiration to reframe healthcare and tackle chronic disease. Aligned organisations are listed on our website and we will endeavour to work together to improve health and wellbeing by preparing joint position statements, sharing each other’s news and content and encouraging constructive debate and discourse in the wider LM community. We will tell the world about you and hope you will tell the world about us!

BSLM aligned organisations represent a range of interests and approaches – and won’t necessarily agree on everything. We do, however, expect all aligned organisations to share our commitment to a scientific, evidence-based approach to health improvement.

Where aligned groups have a commercial element, BSLM will not endorse products or specific activities and programmes, unless these have been approved separately through BSLM’s accreditation process.

If you are interested in becoming a BSLM aligned organisation please contact the BSLM office via